Monday, September 2, 2013

Proto Embryonic Stage Extract (PESE) and its known Benefits

Proto Embryonic Stage Extract is the name we have given to the component in Laminine™ that is deduced from partially the dealt (9 days) enriched hen eggs. PESE controls the most powerful and equilibrated compounding of not only aminoalkanoic acid, but also early known (and unknown) factors such as Fibroblast Growth Factor. We conceive aminoalkanoic acid deduced from such substances combined with the proteins that are capable to raise brain function since they are “exactly” engineered to abide the most complicated stage of birth of a living being, in the first place. This beginning is the most vital stage in our developing just like the deducting is the most complex occasion in fleeing an airplane, or the basis in structure that is most of all important function in the life of a structure.
The wellness gains of the hen egg have been known for hundred years. Recently, further investigating of the mechanism of the growth of an embryo in an egg during brooding exposed the scientific combining weight of the “event of life”. The authority of the nutrients use able to the embryo at the second stage of developing stage has constantly been accepted to be eminent, but it was only recently that the chemical substance had structure of the original egg units for which critical stages were found. During this stage Oligoplites with small relative molecular mass were named. These short chains of aminoalkanoic acid are capable to cross the substance barrier without breaking down or altering the ratios and proportionalities. Amides are far more powerful than other organic compound, requiring only little amounts to develop a profound effect.

Additionally, the consumption of the Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) (present in PESE) by the fertilised egg sharply raises and the FGF delivered has been isolated through a secured process precisely at the right stage of brooding, extracted and freeze down dried to bring the “miracle of aliveness” benefits to human being.

Drawing out PESE before the amides and FGF are “used up” to build organs and bones, allows us to provide this constructing, fixing, upkeep mechanism of absolutely equilibrated aminoalkanoic acid, amides and proteins to humans. While almost unknown in the United States until very lately, PESE has been commercialised successfully as a nutritional accessory in Scandinavia for many ages.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Part I: FDT, Measures of Central Position (Mean) and Measures of Variability (SD)

Frequency Distribution Table

There are many ways of summarizing the data you gathered one, in particular, is the Frequency Distribution Table (FDT). The frequency distribution is a useful summary of most kinds of data. It sorts observations into categories and describes how often observations fall into each category. In simple terms, frequency distribution refers to the tabular arrangement of data by classes or categories together with their corresponding class frequencies. Data presented in the form of a frequency distribution are called grouped data.

In constructing a frequency distribution table, considerations must be given to the number of classes (class size) to be used and the class intervals to be employed. Below is a presentation of a technique in constructing a frequency distribution. 

Step 1: Get the range (R) by subtracting the highest score from the lowest score

  • example: HS=119; LS=35 ---> R=HS-LS --->R=119-35=84 --->R=84
Step 2: Determine the number of classes (k)  using Sturges’ approximation which is given by: 
           k = 1+3.322 logn (n is the number of observations), which is rounded off to the next higher integer

  • example: n=50
  • k=1+3.322 logn
  • k=1+3.322 log50
  • k=1+3.322 (1.70)
  • k=1+5.6474
  • k=6.6474 ≈ 7
Step 3: Find the width of the class interval (c) using this formula: 

  • example: c=84/7=12
After computing the class size (k) and class interval (Ci) you can now tally the frequencies (fi) for each class and compute for class marks (x), and class boundaries (Cb).

CLASS FREQUENCY. This refers to the number of observations belonging to a class interval, or the number of items within a category (Pagoso, 1986). To illustrate, consider the following scores of ten pupils in a competitive test: 15, 15, 15, 18, 18, 19, 22, 22, 24, 24.

                                  Scores                 frequency
                                     15                        3
                                     18                        2
                                     19                        1
                                     22                        2
                                     24                        2

            Class frequency can be arranged in different forms. This can be done using cumulative frequency and relative frequency.
  • CUMULATIVE FREQUENCY. This is a tabular arrangement of data by class intervals whose frequencies are cumulated. There are two kinds of cumulative frequency (cf). These are: “less than” cumulative frequency (<cf) whose sum of frequencies for each class interval is less than the upper class boundary (Cb) of the interval they correspond to.

Example:               Ci                 f          <cf           Cb
                         15-16              3             3       14.5-16.5
                         17- 18             2             5       16.5-18.5
                         19-20              1             6       18.5-20.5
                         21-22              2             8       20.5-22.5
                         23-24              2             10     22.5-24.5

Each number in <cf column is interpreted as: three items are less than 16.5; 5 are less than 18.5 and so on. 
On the other hand, the “greater than” cumulative frequency (>cf) whose sum of frequencies for each class interval is greater than the lower class boundary of the interval they correspond to.

Example:               Ci                 f          >cf           Cb
                         15-16              3             10     14.5-16.5
                         17- 18             2             7       16.5-18.5
                         19-20              1             5       18.5-20.5
                         21-22              2             4       20.5-22.5
                         23-24              2             2       22.5-24.5

Each number in >cf column is interpreted as: 10 items are greater than 14.5; 7 items are greater than 16.5 and so on…

  • RELATIVE FREQUENCY. This is a tabular arrangement of the data showing the proportion in percent of each frequency to the total frequency. This can be obtained by dividing the class frequency by the total frequency.

Example:               Ci                 f          rf (%)
                         15-16              3            30
                         17- 18             2            20
                         19-20              1            10
                         21-22              2            20
                         23-24              2            20

            Thus, if we have a class frequency of 3, the relative frequency is 3/10 or 30%

CLASS MARK. This can be obtained by adding the lower limit and upper limit and dividing the resulting sum by 2. Example in the interval 75-79, the lower limit is 75 and the upper limit is 79 gives us the average of 77, thus: x=(lower limit + upper limit) / 2 = (75+79)/2 = 154/2 =77

CLASS BOUNDARY. This refer to the true limits of the distribution, where lower class boundary [Li] is computed by subtracting ½ unit from the lower class limit while the upper class boundary [Ui] is obtained by adding ½ unit to the upper class limit. To show this concept let’s use the interval 75-79 again. In this interval we know that the lower limit is 75 and the upper limit is 79. To get the lower boundary and upper boundary we simply:
  • Lower boundary = 75-0.5=74.5
  • Upper boundary = 79+0.5=79.5
Below is an example of frequency distribution showing frequency, class marks (mid-points) and class boundaries:

Class Interval
c (class mark)
Class Boundaries

Measure of Central Position: Mean (grouped data)

To find a set of quantitative data, it is indeed necessary to define numerical measures that describe essential characteristics of the data. Further, any measure indicating the center of a set of data, arranged in order of magnitude, is the measure of central position or measure of central tendency. The most commonly used measures of central position are the mean, median, and mode.

Observe the following achievement scores of pupils in mathematics: 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 75. If you add all the score divided by the number of pupils, the mean of all items is 27.3. This figure is no longer a representative value since most scores is less than 27.3 except for the pupil that obtained the score of 75. The example gives one property of mean that is "mean is strongly influenced by extreme value."

For grouped data, the mean can be computed using the long method and the coded deviation method (short method).  
For long method, we use this equation:
, where f is the frequency, x is the class mark, and N is the total frequency or total number of observation or cases.

Class Interval
118 – 126
127 – 135
136 – 144
145 – 153
154 – 162
163 – 171
172 – 180

N: 40

Σfx: 5,879

For the coded deviation method, the original observations are converted to coded deviations (d’). Here, you choose for an assumed mean . In choosing for assumed mean, any reasonable value in the distribution will do but generally the highest frequency is taken. We use this equation, 
, whereis the assumed mean,is the sum of the differences of frequency and unit coded deviation, N is the total number of observations, i is the class interval. To understand deeply below is an example:

Class Interval
118 – 126
- 3
- 9
127 – 135
- 2
- 10
136 – 144
- 1
- 9
145 – 153
154 – 162
163 – 171
172 – 180


Σ: -9