Saturday, October 10, 2015

Lesson Planning: Detailed

Generally, a lesson plan is a teacher's detailed description of the course of instruction. It is developed daily by a teacher to guide class learning. Details will vary depending on the preference of the teacher, subject being covered, and the needs of the students.

Daily lesson plans maybe classified as (1) detailed, (2) semi-detailed, and (3) brief. Student teachers and beginning teachers are given training more in preparing a detailed lesson plan for the following reasons: 

  • it helps him/her master what s/he is to teach and give him/her confidence
  • it helps him/her foresee children's reaction and forewarns him/her about problems that may arise
  • it gives critic teachers a chance to go over what the student teacher/beginning teacher plans to do and give suggestions or to make corrections and thus prevent mistakes in the actual teaching

 The detailed lesson plan is anticipatory teaching. It puts down in writing the classroom activities that may occur. The teacher writes down all the questions he is going to ask under the column Teacher Activity and the expected answers from the pupils under the column Pupil Activity. In planning the detailed lesson plan, the teacher tries to visualize how the children will react, what difficulties they are likely to encounter, and how they may be guided to achieve desired results (Lardizabal, et. al.,2007)